Imagine Stones Displayed at the Grand Image Showroom, Seattle, WA

Creativity reaches us through our senses and opens new ways of seeing and experiencing our world. Imagine Stones conjurer in residence, Fredric Jackson, attempts through his work to do just that. Currently his creations are displayed at the Grand Image showroom and gallery. The sculptures include stones sourced from around the world and include unique interpretation of familiar shapes and figures. A portion of sales are donated to Transplant House in Seattle.

Imagine Stones - Grand Image
Marble lips and a Mona Lisa smile at Grand Image, Seattle

About Grand Image

Back in 1970’s Seattle, Grand Image founder Larry Winn had a vision. Disillusioned with his career in finance, he quit his job and started selling art out of the back of his cream-colored Volkswagen bus. While crisscrossing the state of Washington, he dreamed of starting an art company far beyond selling just prints and paintings. He wanted it all-showrooms, a studio, artists, framing, printing, and so much more. Living by the mantra aesthetics matter and a borderline insane work ethic, it was still a long ride to get here.

Backed by over 100 years of collective art experience and over 25 fine art degrees, Grand Image is recognized as a natural leader in the art and design communities.

Every step of the way, our work is infused with a passion for the arts. Creative professionals make up each of our departments – three studios, business development, art consulting, photography, color-proofing, printing, fulfillment, IT, project management, and administration. Rest assured that aesthetics and art are always at the forefront of our decisions, regardless of whether it’s a creative decision or otherwise.

Collaboration is the key to our creative successes. The long relationships we have with creative professionals, artists, art enthusiasts, and key supply chain organizations contribute to our ability to deliver outstanding projects on time and on budget.

We acknowledge art can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be.